Do the ordinary thing in an extraordinary way

You see He is the secret to victorious living. Whatever comes your way this week accept it not in bitterness, in pity, or regret, but rather with gratitude that God has trusted you with this challenge. Then go beyond the moment challenge to the momentous conquest.


There is a poignant story of a young lady in a fabric store trying to decide which piece of goods to buy. She asked someone standing by, "Would you help me decide between these two fabrics? I'm not so much concerned with the appearance as with the sound it makes."

"In that case take the taffeta," the lady replied, wondering why anyone would care about the sound a dress made.

"You see," the girl explained, "it's for my wedding. My husband-to-be is blind, and I want him to hear me when I come walking down the aisle."

Dwight L. Moody wrote in the margin of his Bible, near the story of the boy with the loaves and fishes, this sentence, "If God is your partner, make your plans large." That's it!

It is easy to dream of what we would do if we were someone else, living in another place, at another time. But what we must do is to work with what God has given us here and now.

You have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much. - Matthew 25:21