The Cure for Anxiety

As I was preaching Sunday I had one of those "ah-ha" moments. It is amazing how you can study all week long on a sermon, painstakingly write out the outline, and not see the real message of the point until you are in the middle of the sermon.


As I made reference to 2 Peter 1:2, "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord," (KJV) I saw the cure for anxiety: Know more about God and Jesus.

It is really that simple, the more you know about God and Jesus the more you realize you have nothing to worry about. He is in control and nothing can change that.

Some time ago I found this note someone had left on my desk: Good Morning, This Is God! I will be Handling all Your Problems Today. I Will Not Need Your Help -- So Have a Good Day.

The overcoming cure for your anxiety today is…there is nothing to worry about. God is in control; so have a good day.