Hurst Baptist Church
Welcome to the Biggest Little Church in

Welcome to Hurstview Baptist Church!

On December 5, 1954, a group of twenty-one people met together in a small rented building on State Highway 183 (now State Highway 10) in Hurst, Texas. Just days before, that rented building had been an auto garage; the grease and oil stains had to be removed from the floor prior to the meeting. Rev. Comal B. Wallace delivered the morning message. At the close of the close of the service, he requested that those interested in organizing a church fill out a card. All twenty-one in attendance signed the cards. An offering was received to pay the rent on the building, chairs, and piano.


The following Wednesday evening the group once again assembled. A motion was made to go into conference and resulted in the organization of Hurstview Baptist Church, calling Rev. Wallace as Pastor. The church eventually relocated to a nearby Quonset hut, but by 1956 larger meeting facilities were required. After much prayer, three lots were purchased on what would become the corner of Anderson Street and Treadwell Drive, approximately 500 yards to the northwest of the Quonset building. The church paid cash for the property and secured a six-thousand dollar loan for construction of a new auditorium.

The city of Hurst had guaranteed that street access and utilities would be constructed by the time the building was ready to use. However, it was two-and-a-half years before the streets were constructed. During those years, access to the church was through an individual's property which fronted then Highway 183 (now State Highway 10). Each time it rained, tow trucks were required to extract cars from the mud. Yet, God blessed the church and it continued to grow.


In fall of 1957, plans were made to construct a Sunday School wing. A church in Fort Worth was demolishing a tabernacle-style  building to build a larger auditorium, so HBC purchased that building. Pastor Wallace and the men of the church undertook the  demolition. They moved the lumber and building materials to Hurst and used them to construct the Sunday School wing.


 By the mid-1960s, the church was outgrowing the current facilities and plans were made to build a larger auditorium. Construction   began in 1965 and was completed the same year. In 1971, two-plus acres were purchased to the south of the main building. A   gymnasium was constructed to house youth facilities and a family life center. The gymnasium was sold to the Hurst Boulevard Church   of God in 1997.

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In 1998, after 50 years in the ministry and over 40 years as pastor of HBC, Dr. Wallace felt the need to spend more time in evangelistic work. The church called Dr. Comal Wallace's son, Dr. Johnnie E. Wallace, as pastor. In the early 2000s, the church changed its name to Hurst Baptist Church. This change was partially practical, avoiding confusion for those trying to locate the church on nearby Hurstview Drive. But on a larger scale, this name highlights our commitment to the community as a whole.

Since 1954, Hurst Baptist Church has had one motto: Anchored To The Rock, Geared To The Times. Today, we still cling to the same Rock and proclaim the same Gospel: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.”